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Our Mission

Our goal is to cultivate independent, resilient students, encouraging critical thinking, self-reliance, and a strong sense of Jewish identity. Through a robust curriculum intertwining Torah values and a comprehensive education, we aim to instill in our students a  profound sense of Jewish pride, embracing their uniqueness and developing a strong moral compass based in Torah and mitzvot. Our commitment to social-emotional learning empowers our students to navigate their life with empathy, flexibility, and integrity, ensuring they emerge as confident, compassionate leaders in their communities.

Our Philosophy

Torah Day School of Boynton Beach believes that each child is a unique individual and is nurtured according to his or her personality and abilities. The school’s atmosphere is one of love for and acceptance of all Jews regardless of their level of observance while proudly representing observant Judaism to the wider community.

TDSB embraces the twin Jewish outlooks taught by Rav Samson Rafael Hirsch: Torah Im Derech Eretz, and Israel’s Mission as an Ohr LaGoyim.

As such we are committed to teaching the Torah skills and knowledge to prepare the children to be joyful and committed observant Jewish adults; and in general studies, to teach them to discern and appreciate truths that come from classic western thought, and to provide for their families with dignity and kavod.

Further, our teachers emphasize that we are an Exemplar Nation, that every Jew is a necessary actor in the Mission and serves as an everyday example of ethics, morality and refined character. The students understand their own importance in that role - that they are living for something bigger than themselves - and that imbues them with a sense of purpose in life.

Core Values

Our Core Values can be summed up as Limud, Avodah and Achrai’ut; Torah Learning, Personal
Commitment and Responsibility and Leadership. These values include:


  • Ahavas Torah and Talmud Torah Lishma: Love of Torah study for its own sake and a desire to make Torah study a part of daily life

  • Ahavas Yisroel: Love and respect for every Jew and the Jewish people as a whole

  • Ahavas HaShem: Joyful acceptance of HaShem as the Source of our blessings and challenges

  • Kavod HaTorah: Respect and reverence for Torah scholars and for the Halachic process

  • Avodah: Commitment to ongoing personal growth in all areas of Jewish practice

  • Achrai’ut: Taking personal responsibility for the well-being of their fellow Jews

  • Kedusha: Protecting their spirituality and dignity through their personal character and conduct

Focus on Israel

The Land of Israel, the People of Israel and the Torah of Israel are intertwined parts of a harmonious whole. The TDSB curriculum identifies our unique relationship with Israel through its source in HaShem and Torah, the Mitzvot of the land and our history and Mission. Israel is Eretz HaKodesh, our home and the ideal place for us to live, emphasized and facilitated by our Ivrit b’Ivrit methodology.

Our Teachers and Classrooms

Judaic Studies

TDSB recognizes that our teachers are the school’s greatest assets. We seek out strongly-qualified Torah teachers who recognize the whole student; who are at once nurturing and set high expectations for conduct and academic excellence; and who are excellent role models of a Torah life.

General Studies

TDSB places qualified and degreed general studies teachers in our classrooms. They employ a nurturing approach to the students and a professional approach to classroom management.

Their goal is to feed the children’s curiosity, and to teach skills and critical thinking as well as the content of classic western education. Our program equips the students with the skills, knowledge, and desire to go on to higher education at the school of their choice.

Distinct Programs for Boys and Girls

A meaningful and challenging Torah studies program is offered distinct for boys and girls in accordance with Jewish tradition. Girls and boys are taught in separate classes for both general studies and Judaic studies beginning in the first grade.


(561) 600-8503


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